Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Whatsapp Desktop App is Now Available

Whatsapp announced that it user will now be able to use whatsapp features in a native desktop app. This native app will be available for modern version of OS of Window 8 and above and mac running OSX 10.9 and above.

Although Whatsapp Web is still available to both OS regardless of Version.

To start using this Application is very simple. First, Visit with your browser, download and open the pertinent app, scan the QR code with the whatsapp Application of Your Mobile Phone.

If you are stuck on how to scan the QR code, go to setting > Whatsapp Web.  This deskop application is the same with the mobile what but the little different I see is that it has a customized notification, better keyboard shortcut etc.
Desktop whatsapp

How to setup Laravel On Windows

This tutorial will guide you on how to install laravel framework on local server. We are going to use xampp server for the sake of this tutorial. But if you follow this tutorial, same step can be applied to other Local Server like Wamp.

Xampp download here

Composer Download Here

PHP 5.4 +

Download and install Xampp and ensure it is up and running. Go to Command Line type composer to make sure the composer is up and running. Also type PHP in your Command Line then check if the PHP version is 5.4+.

On the Command Line Interface, Browse to xampp\htdocs Directory. This is where the Laravel Project wwill be stored because we are using xampp. To Browse to a Directory or Folder, type cd\xampp\htdocs\laravel_project_name.

In the Command Line we will now download  Laravel Framework Project  using composer. simply type composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1" and laravel my_project

Or run composer create-project laravel/laravel –prefer-dist  that command is also used to create a laravel project.

The above guide will help you to install laravel on windows if you have any problem installing or setting it up please put it on the comment box.